Horace Panter Beano 80th Birthday Exhibition

PR for an art exhibition celebrating the iconic, much -loved comic’s 80th birthday

The Horace Panter Beano 80th Birthday Exhibition


Following a very successful project for modern and contemporary art gallery RedHouse Originals, in which we secured national coverageto promote one of their exhibitions, they approached us again with another brief.

2018 marked the year that much-loved, iconic comic The Beano turned 80 and RedHouse celebrated by showing a special collection of paintings and silkscreen prints by Horace Panter, artist and bassist in Ska band The Specials. In these, Panter reimagined the notorious gang of Beano characters into pop art classics, such as Dennis the Menace and Gnasher jumping into Hockney’s pool and Minnie the Minx as Warhol’s screenprinted Marilyn Monroe.


Although the names associated with the exhibition were big, the show had travelled throughout the UK before, with its final leg taking place in Harrogate. Our key challenge was, how to tell the story in a fresh way to maximise exposure?


We used a couple of hooks to make the story of interest to the mainstream media. Firstly, we highlighted the fact that RedHouse were showing never before-been-seen works to add something new to the touring show. We also played upon the fact that Panter’s exhibition coincided with the release of an EP, The Specials’ first in XXX years.  We knew that the demographic that would be interested in Horace Panter and the Beano would be a very particular type of audience. This presented an opportunity to tap into new audiences and media titles beyond the usual arts titles that fit the RedHouse audience. We approached these titles with tailored pitches, bringing to life the special story of how Panter had given the Beano characters a punk makeover.

“We really enjoyed working with Tuesday to promote such an iconic exhibition, in celebration of the Beano’s 80th birthday and with the extremely talented Horace Panter. Once again we were delighted with the calibre of coverage secured by Tuesday, including name checks for RedHouse in several new publications and the BBC radio broadcast was a highlight.”

RedHouse Originals

Richard McTague, Managing Director


This approach appealed, with us securing several hits, including broadcast coverage on the BBC. We alsosecured media coverage, in titles such as Fred Perry’s Subculture and British Ideas Corporation.

  • 6 pieces of coverage
  • 588m online readership
  • 356k estimate coverage views
  • 159 social shares
  • 6 links from coverage
  • 56 average domain authority
  • 1 x broadcast coverage
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BBC radio coverage

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BBC website coverage

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Links from coverage

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