Why Your Business Needs A Content Marketing Plan

Why Your Business Needs A Content Marketing Plan

Having a successful content marketing plan is key when running a business. Not only can it help you feel organised and well-prepped for the coming weeks ahead, but it can also help you see your aims and objectives more clearly, making reaching deadlines a little smoother.

Once you’ve created a content plan, you will find it makes everything a lot less complicated. No more random open tabs and rummaging through client emails – everything is exactly where you need it on one document.

However, knowing where to start can be challenging, to ensure you’re delivering the right message at the right time to the right audience. We will ensure your content marketing plan and assets work as hard as possible, providing strategic fresh, authoritative and evergreen content that meets measurable objectives.

Our team’s expertise will help you develop a content marketing plan that directly provides quality lead generation, improves your SEO and grows your community.

If you’re extra organised, checking off or highlighting completed work will help in the long run, allowing you to see what you need to work on next and what you don’t, it’s probably the most satisfying part.


What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is about creating and sharing online material. Used to help attract, retain audiences and keep people engaged, content marketing is a type of marketing strategy that’s necessary for any brand that wants to grow, expand and stimulate interest.

Ultimately, content marketing consists of creating, planning and executing content for various target audiences. Different types of content can be distributed in a variety of ways, whether it be videos, blogs or general social media posts, there’s always a way to get things uploaded.

Not only does having top-quality content help position the business as an expert in key topics, but it also has the potential to influence stakeholders and creatively tells the business story.

At Tuesday Media, we believe in creating value through content. We’re able to encourage an audience to take action by sharing, liking and clicking on content, helping to further the consumer’s interest and keep them engaged.

Although the world of social media and content marketing seems relatively new on the scene, it’s been around for a lot longer than we think. Every business-savvy company back in the day would have been using content marketing well before the likes of Instagram and WordPress ever existed.

Newspapers, television ads and radio broadcasts were all that most businesses could rely on when making their marketing decisions, but if it’s done right and planned well with the bonus of now living in a time with ever-evolving technology, you will be able to reach your target audience with ease using digital PR effectively.


The Main Benefits of Having a Content Marketing Plan

Building brand awareness, trust and loyalty are all things that come hand in hand with having a great content marketing plan. The list of additional benefits other than feeling organised is never-ending. Once you start building up content and getting it out on time, it will feel start to feel super rewarding. Not only that, but you also start to build an impression and tone of voice for your business each time you post, which can ultimately form notable online relationships with your wider audience.


Three Main Benefits of Having a Content Marketing Plan

If you’re still considering whether having a content marketing plan is something you need, we’ve rounded up the benefits of these top three areas: Brand awareness, being consistent and increased audience engagement.


Tip One – Brand Awareness

With so much competition out there, you’ve got to stand out. Building brand awareness is a necessity when you’re putting yourself out there online, you want people to instantly recognise you. Whether it’s down to your style of writing on blog posts, or the way you design and put out posts on social channels, your audience will become familiar with your business, which is exactly what you want.

If you are yet to build your brand, read more about how we provide services to launch and refine it here.


Tip Two – Being Consistent

Being consistent with your content might feel like a bit of a stressful task, to begin with, but once you become familiar with the routine of creating and planning content, staying consistent and distributing everything on time will become second nature, especially if your business has a great team to help out.

Using scheduling tools, such as ContentCal and Buffer, can come in handy when you’re trying to stay consistent with content. You’ll find that these apps will become your digital best friend – it takes the weight of having to remember to upload different media onto various social channels, which can definitely prove to be a task and a half.


Tip Three – Increased Audience Engagement

Increasing audience engagement is something that should be happening the more you create content for your business. With time, not only should content get better, but your audience should grow, that is the end goal, after all, isn’t it? A simple, yet effective way to gain a bigger audience and reach more people is by staying on top of your content plan, creating and putting out exceptional, high-quality content and most importantly, being consistent with it.

Your online audience will notice if you start to slack when it comes to content if you go from continuously putting out work on time to suddenly becoming disorganised and off track, this could make your audience potentially lose interest.


Generating Better Leads

It’s no secret that planning great content and uploading consistently will generate better leads. When your audience like what they see, there’s no doubt that they’ll keep coming back, updating themselves on any missed content.

If you’re able to create eye-catching, engaging content, your audience should naturally start to explore the rest of your social media channels and website. Linking different social media and having your website available in one click is great if you want to drive more people across to see the rest of your work.

Sometimes, you can advertise content you’ve created on your website, which is usually blogs, but people will choose to stay updated through the likes of Instagram or Facebook, mainly because it’s convenient. Being able to drive your audience across to see other digital content is crucial.

So if we had to narrow down how to generate more overall leads, what would they be? In conclusion, having an organised plan, along with content that stands out and is consistently uploaded on time, equals more leads.


Extra Ways to Generate Better Leads

If you’re wanting to put your all into gaining more leads, let’s go through some additional ways you could do so.


Extensive Research

Smart decisions are always made when you’re more knowledgeable about something. If you’re unsure about some of the topics you’re basing your content on, then doing some in-depth research should allow you to become more knowledgeable, which helps you create better, informative content that people will be interested in.


SEO and Keywords

Having a group of keywords to include throughout your content will be sure to help drive more potential clients and customers to your channels. SEO is super important, and should always be considered when you are creating a content marketing plan.

Keywords in your web content enable people to find your business through organic search on a search engine such as Google.

At Tuesday Media, we can combine content marketing and SEO to create a plan on how we can tell your story.

We can get your business more coverage, which not only enhances your brand recognition but it also helps your SEO.

The reason why our services can help your SEO is due to the powerful backlinks that PR brings helps your website to have more authority from the search engine which can also further boost rankings.

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